D365 Business Central: A Modern Finance Solution for Today’s Challenges

2024-04-24 unifytech Comments Off

If you’ve found your way to this guide, chances are you’re facing some hurdles with your current accounting software or seeking a more modern, connected solution. In the following sections, we’ll explore the common challenges encountered by finance teams and business owners when it comes to accounting software and how Dynamics 365 Business Central can address these issues, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve.

Recognising the signs of outgrowing your Accounting Software

Many businesses encounter similar pain points when it comes to their accounting software. These include lost productivity, connectivity and security issues, and limited access to consistent business and financial data. If any of the following questions resonate with your business challenges, it may be a sign that you’ve outgrown your current accounting software:

  • Do you fear you’re losing sales?
  • Do you lack trust in your financial data for critical business decisions?
  • Are you wasting time with manual processes across multiple systems?
  • Have customer complaints increased, particularly in billing and invoicing?
  • Are you struggling to keep pace with regulatory updates like Making Tax Digital?
  • Do you lack the flexibility to access key data and applications from anywhere, anytime?

A better solution: Dynamics 365 Business Central

With the evolution of cloud technology, businesses of all sizes can now transition to a modern technology platform that supports growth and adapts to new working norms. Dynamics 365 Business Central, Microsoft’s comprehensive, cloud-ready business and finance management platform, is the recommended solution for small to medium-sized organisations.

Why Business Central over accounting software such as Sage, QuickBooks, Xero etc?

1. Scalability and Flexibility

Business Central offers unmatched scalability, allowing you to add users to the system as your business grows. Unlike traditional accounting systems like Sage, which impose user limitations, Business Central evolves with the size and scope of your business, ensuring you never hit a growth roadblock.

2. AI-Driven Reporting Tools

Business Central leverages AI to expedite reporting, improve forecasting, and provide real-time performance metrics across various departments. With Power BI integration, you gain access to easy-to-understand dashboards that offer insights into finance, sales, supply chains, and more. In contrast, most accounting software packages lack integrated AI and offer limited reporting capabilities focused solely on accounting.

3. Automation Capabilities

Automation is at the core of Business Central, helping increase operational efficiency, boost productivity, and lower costs by automating business processes and departmental functions. Accounting systems, on the other hand, lack automation capabilities, putting them at a disadvantage in today’s fast-paced business environment.

4. Expansive Integration Options

Business Central seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft business applications like Office 365, providing holistic insights into key business elements. Unlike accounting packages like QuickBooks or Xero, which require additional APIs or third-party tools for integration, Business Central offers built-in two-way integration, enhancing collaboration and data visibility across your organisation.

5. Data Compliance and Security

Microsoft invests heavily in ensuring the security and compliance of Dynamics 365 Business Central. With built-in security mechanisms and regular updates, Business Central safeguards your data against evolving threats and ensures compliance with regulatory standards like Making Tax Digital. In contrast, other systems require manual updates and lack comprehensive security features, leaving your business vulnerable to risks.

6. Mobility

Business Central’s mobile app allows employees to handle tasks on the go, improving productivity and enabling real-time decision-making. Traditional accounting software packages lack dedicated mobile apps and rely upon paid add-ons for mobile functionality, resulting in a fragmented user experience.

7. Cost of Ownership

With transparent pricing and flexible subscription models, Business Central offers a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. In comparison, systems like Sage come with varying subscription costs and additional fees for integrations and updates, making them less cost-effective in the long run.

8. CRM Functionality within ERP

Business Central includes a CRM module, enabling businesses to improve customer experiences and foster better relationships. Almost all other accountancy systems lack CRM capabilities or offer them as optional add-ons, further increasing costs and complexity.

9. Warehouse, Project, and Supply Chain Management

Business Central offers modules for managing supply chains, projects, warehouses, and services, enabling automation of a wide range of workflows. Accounting software lacks dedicated modules for these functions, limiting their ability to streamline business processes effectively.

10. Broader Functionality across Multiple Modules

Business Central provides a comprehensive suite of modules for financial management, sales, purchases, warehouse management, CRM, human resources, service management, and project management. In contrast, accounting systems offer limited modules instead focusing almost exclusively on accounting, lacking the breadth of functionality provided by Business Central.


In conclusion, Dynamics 365 Business Central offers a modern, integrated solution that addresses the challenges of outdated accounting software at a very competitive price. With its scalability, AI-driven reporting tools, automation capabilities, and robust security features, Business Central empowers businesses to thrive in today’s dynamic business environment.

Don’t let outdated software hold your business back – contact us to make the switch to Business Central and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.